Thursday, May 12, 2016

New York Comic Con

Well, sometimes miracles do come true!

I have been attending New York Comic Con since....I want to say around 2008. The show's been going for about ten years now, and I have always enjoyed it immensely, both because of how much fun it is and because of the chance it offers to make contacts in the various media genres. Well, a special thanks goes out to my buddy John Cavooto, who told me about the pro registration stuff and suggested I give it a shot since I had self-published a book in 2006 and am working on a few others now. I took his advice,  and applied. I wasn't sure I could get a ticket for the show however, due to the fact that...well, 2006 had been my last time having anything published. But low and behold, what to my wondering eyes should appear this afternoon in my email in-box but a confirmation of approval for the show on the pro pass.

To put it mildly, I am nothing short of elated. I quickly went through and confirmed my reservation, and am now able to say that I am officially in for this year's show. I hope in the next few years I can possibly get a table there. Though that might be a bit pricey, so I'll have to see about teaming with someone to afford a spot there.

One thing is for sure, even for people who've only published once and have been frustrated in getting anything else released, miracles do come true. Sometimes you just need a friend to point you in the right direction. 

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